Monday, May 14, 2007

Old Post: A World without Vision

May 4th, 2006
Posted by lunastark at 11:45 pm on May 4th, 2006.

Yesterday, I encountered a flyer about this organization called World Vision. This organization helps send poor children to school through financial donations. A thought struck me. My desire to have a job with good pay became even more evident. I really can't contribute much to these children right now, after all, I'm still a student striving to graduate. However, it's been my vow since high school that I want the less fortunate to have good education AND principles...that's what people need these days: principles with good foundation. Even educated people have bad principles. If I can teach a child how to make his/her life better, I'll be the happiest person in the world.

The organization has a wonderful VMO and someday, I'd like to sponsor a child to school. Of course, I need a job with good pay to be able to support myself and my family as well. Hmmm..say, 50,000+ a month? Hehehehe. Well, I really can't tell if I can get this kind of job yet but I'm determined (at least it's a start).

I recall an incident with a good friend in school. We were approached by a couple of streetkids on our way out of National Bookstore Katipunan. They were really persistent. We really don't have any money left on us so we said we can't give them any. My friend, Max, suddenly blurted out at the kids' back "Tell your parents to use condom for goodness sake."

I burst out laughing at her comment. I proceeded to tell her she was really mean but at the same time, what she said was true. We continued to discuss how and why financially troubled families continue to have kids that they can't feed. I don't blame the children with the poverty they're going through. It's not their responsibility...but the parents'.

Reality says it all. It's just a cycle. Irresponsible parents have children who grow up like them because in the eyes of a child, the parents are role-models. These children will make the same mistakes their parents did and have children who will grow up like them....and it goes and on and on. An exception is when these children become aware of their situation, acknowledges it, takes control and takes responsibility for themselves. One out a hundred of these children become an exception...but that's just a few.

In my lifetime, I'd like these 1/100 become a 2/100 (just to be feasible). Who knows? Maybe it'll grow from there. In terms of community service and sharing my blessings with other people, this is my own world vision ---- especially here in my country.

God gave me a wonderful mind, a healthy body, some really bad life experiences (which helped form my character)...I believe all these are my blessings. Why would God give me these? To use them! To make a difference!

Of course, to fulfill this vision....I have to make a difference in MY life first. I know the rest will follow naturally. That's why I reflect so much. Reflection is a humbling experience.

1 comment:

siyerwin said...

or you can work for World Vision and help lots of children while earning a living. We were able to speak with one of their local staff and I do think their organization is a sound bunch.

you've pretty skillful writing here, celine. :-)